Becoming A SoundReads Narrator
The first step in the process of applying to be a narrator with us is to send us a small & simple demo. Don't panic! Remember we're looking to work with poeple with limited or no prior experience.
Don't Panic.
- Record an amateur demo.
Use something simple, like your phone. Read through our guidelines. See below for what we look for in a demo.
Lift off.
What Do We Look For In A Demo?
We don't care all that much about things like audio quality, a few fumbled words, stops and starts. We don't need audio editing or mastering.
We do care about your voice, your storytelling, and narration ability. If you feel that your storytelling is coming across, then it's good enough for us. Don't kill yourself trying to record a demo for us. We expect you to be an amateur. Quick, dirty, and to the point.
If you'd like listen to some sample narrations that we think are excellent you can view a list here. These examples are from professionals, so we don't expect you to be at their level yet.
Already Have A Demo?
If you already have something recorded that you think would work:
Send it to us via email!Need To Record A Demo?
We don't need anything too fancy. We don't need audio editing or mastering. Even a basic "iPhone voicenote" is completely acceptable.
Make sure you read through what we look for
Below is a list of some sample books with links to web available versions. Pick a chapter or a segment of a chapter of something that best suits you. Ideally your segment would be something with both narration and dialog from a few different characters.
- Dracula
- Robinson Crusoe
- Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
- Paradise Lost
- Les Miserables
- Moby Dick
- Pride & Prejudice
- Wuthering Heights
- Peter Pan
If you can t find anything on the list that you feel fits your voice, please feel free to browse the books available on Project Gutenberg to find something you think suits you.
Once you have something ready:
Send it to us via email!Home